
Share our stage:

One of the main reasons we started BTC was to create work for our community, inspiring people to choose Christchurch as a place to build their career.
But we can’t do that without a little help.

Whether you’re a business looking to partner up, a supporter of the arts, or just looking to help grow this community, we’d love to hear from you!



In this time of uncertainty your support means more now than ever. Donations will help Blackboard continue our work in the wake of COVID-19, not only to give employment to a struggling arts community, but to bring high quality entertainment to a hungry audience.

Donor Support allows Blackboard Theatre Collective to thrive in its mission of employing young artists to bring Broadway-calibre musical entertainment to the Christchurch public. 

Our work is only possible through donors like you. Your gift can inspire so much.



Blackboard Theatre Collective is passionate about cultivating relationships with local businesses. Year-round, season, or show-specific partnerships are available for Christchurch businesses who wish to expand their brand visibility and provide unique experiences to their staff and clients. Each relationship is different, and Blackboard is committed to forging a mutually beneficial partnership that caters to each company’s philanthropic aims, branding needs, and entertainment desires.


If your business is seeking some limelight, or you’d like to make a donation pop your details down below and let’s start talking!